Shailja & Utkarsh || OC Engagement

Meet Shailja & Utkarsh. 

The day of their engagement was one of the weirdest weather days in SoCal I have yet to witness. A gloomy morning in the peak of summer is sure to alarm any bride to be (or in this case fiancé to be). Although California is desperately in need of water to prevent this horrid drought from taking over, I wish it had come just a day later. We met up at Yorba Linda Regional Park to have a quick one hour couples session prior to the engagement ceremony, but almost out of nowhere storm clouds and rain trapped us in our cars. We made a quick decision to have an impromptu portrait session back at her house – where, by the way, her family members were scrambling to re-decorate a previously all-outdoor event space. I have never seen someone more serene in a whirlwind of chaos like I did that day. These two knew just the right things to say to each other to remain patient and try and stay in the light. It made my job much easier trying to detour their attention to finding the love in each others eyes as they were about to make the commitment that would change their lives forever.

Big congrats to both sides of the family and the beautiful couple for pulling off such a beautiful event when faced with dire circumstances. You truly see the depths of love when faced with challenges. Enjoy these images from their engagement ceremony & congrats to you two once again!

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