Velvet S’mores Pie

My sweet-toothed friend, Shalini Garg, and I have decided to adventure into the world of S’mores desserts and attempt S’mores recipes’s that catch our eye. This one came from here, and we accidentally made cake instead of brownies 😦 The one thing you have to watch out for is the broiling step: I have never really used the broiler before and I am impatient so that combo didn’t work out to well for a small batch of four that we forgot about in the oven.. whoops… I hope you listen to the instructions and create a delicious version of this dessert as well!


To make it a little bit more interesting, and since I am a photographer I believe beautiful presentation is key, we bought these little pre-graham cracker filled pie tins that saved us a lot of time and were really simple to just fill up and put in the oven. Laziness for the win?
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