Boozy Bourbon Chocolate Cupcakes

If you have had a chance to browse through my blog you may see I dabble in the art of baking. To be honest, I dabble in a various things because I like testing myself to see if I can actually accomplish a task. It keeps you on your toes and also helps you gain patience and confidence in yourself. I suggest everyone should try and step out of their comfort zone in whatever way they feel necessary (books, dance classes, cooking, tv) just to try something new & different!

I am starting this installment hoping to perfect my baking abilities by the closing of 2015 (hopefully earlier or else my family & friends will be eating strange cupcakes for months on end). I will mostly be making mini-cupcakes because I love all things teeny-tiny for their cuteness value, deal with it.

This particular cupcake was inspired by one of my FAVORITE baking blogs, Half Baked Harvest – I love the photography, recipes, and design of her blog – please go check her out she does amazing stuff!

I am well aware that bourbon isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when you think, JANUARY, but this post was supposed to be made back in November. I feel like bourbon has that rustic/cabin-y feel too it which made it perfect for fall, but we make it work regardless people. I paired it with two different types of frosting: Butter Pecan from the blog, and Cinnamon Bun Frosting. My favorite part about making these was toasting the pecans (the process is explained on her blog) because the smell that filled the air was just …. YAS. I don’t drink alcohol, but the combo of the rich bourbon smell + the toasty buttered pecans was a match made in some hickville heaven.

Once you cook the cupcakes the alcohol bakes away but the fragrance is what makes it seem like they are strictly bourbon cupcakes, no chocolate involved. I would suggest that for the butter pecan homemade frosting, you grind up the pecans for piping purposes, I found it super difficult to pipe with huge chunks of pecan blocking the passageway. Hope you enjoy the new series & let me know if you end up trying it out! (In case anyone was interested in getting these gold foil cupcake liners, you can click that link or go to Michael’s baking section.)

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